The juli
juli is designed to help people with various conditions. Your dashboard and daily questions are customized to the condition that you are tracking with juli. This is the list of conditions that juli currently supports.
Chronic pain
Visceral pain
Nerve pain
Musculoskeletal pain
Pain of unknown origin
If your condition does not show up on that list you may still track many of your symptoms, biomarkers and environmental elements that might have an influence on your condition. And stay tuned, this is just the beginning, there are many more conditions to come!
Anxiety Disorder
Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life, but people who suffer from anxiety disorder experience this feeling way more often to an extend that makes it difficult to get through your day. People with anxiety disorder may experience symptoms like feelings of nervousness, panic and fear as well as sweating and a rapid heartbeat.
jjuli tracks many elements that are affected by anxiety disorder, like sleep, activity, and air quality . A user may enter his or her daily mood and energy and also track lifestyle factors such as alcohol, cigarettes or coffee consumption that might influence their anxiety.
Asthma affects millions of people worldwide. It is one of the most common long-term lung conditions and affects children and adults alike. Asthma causes symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing.
juli tracks many asthma-related measurements like O2 saturation, usage of emergency inhaler or the number of times people wake up at night due to an episode of shortness of breath. The app also displays asthma related environmental data like environmental pollen and air pollution in the area of the user. Users can integrate the data from other tools, such as a peak flow meter, to include in analysis. Users may also track factors that are related to overall wellness, such as alcohol or tobacco consumption.
All factors are displayed in a dashboard, sorted by their importance for asthma. If you click on the widget, second levels show correlations between these factors and your asthma symptoms.
COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 16 million Americans suffer from COPD, many more are probably undiagnosed. Although COPD is a progressive disease that gets worse over time, COPD can be treated and people with COPD can achieve a good quality of life.
juli tracks many COPD-related measurements like O2 saturation, usage of emergency inhaler or the number of times people wake up at night due to an episode of shortness of breath. The app also displays asthma related environmental data like environmental pollen and air pollution in the area of the user. Users can integrate the data from other tools, such as a peak flow meter, to include in analysis. Users may also track factors that are related to overall wellness, such as alcohol or tobacco consumption.
All factors are displayed in a dashboard, sorted by their importance for asthma. If you click on the widget, second levels show correlations between these factors and your asthma symptoms.
Depression is a mental illness that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects how someone feels, thinks and behaves. People with depression have a variety of emotional and physical problems and sometimes have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities.
juli tracks many elements that are affected by depression, like sleep, activity, and air quality . A user may enter his or her daily mood and energy and also track lifestyle factors such as alcohol, cigarettes or coffee consumption that might influence their depression.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition that causes unusual and extreme mood swings. People may experience emotional highs (mania or hypomania) as well as emotional lows (depression). These bipolar mood swings can have an effect on many factors of a person’s well being: sleep, activities, work, energy, family life, the ability to concentrate and so on. Although bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, it can be treated with medication and other measures.
juli tracks as many elements that are affected by bipolar disorder as possible: general mood and energy, sleep, activity, workouts, but also environmental data that might have an impact like sunshine hours or air pollution. People who menstruate may see the correlation to their cycle, while all users are shown stress/energy indicators like heart rate variability.
With the help of juli users may be able to detect early symptoms of a manic or hypomanic phase and identify factors that are related to bipolar mood swings.
A migraine is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. Different people get different migraine symptoms but an attack is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks usually last for between several hours and several days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes significantly with daily activities. Most people don’t have any symptoms in between migraine attacks.
In some cases people experience “aura” symptoms before the migraine attack that include temporary visual or other disturbances. They are an early warning symptom. Migraine aura usually occurs within an hour before head pain begins and generally lasts less than 60 minutes. Sometimes migraine aura occurs without headache, especially in people age 50 and older.
People with migraine often describe several things which can trigger their attack. These triggers vary from person to person and include factors like stress, nutrition, weather changes and changes in sleep patterns. juli tracks many elements that might cause a migraine attack or are affected by one: general mood and energy, sleep, activity, workouts, but also environmental data that might have an impact like sunshine hours or air pollution. People who menstruate may see the correlation to their cycle, and all users are shown stress/energy indicators like heart rate variability.
Non-Migraine Headache
Headache disorders are among the most common disorders of the nervous system. Tension-type headaches are described as pressure or tightness, often like a band around the head, sometimes spreading into or from the neck. Another type of headache is cluster headache, which are frequently recurring (up to several times a day), and described as brief but extremely severe headache, usually focused in or around one eye, with tearing and redness of the eye.
The cause of a non-migraine headache is often unclear but it is worth tracking various biomarkers or environmental data to see if a pattern occurs that might lead to identifying a trigger.
Chronic Pain
Pain starts in receptor nerve cells beneath the skin and in organs throughout the body and travels through the spinal cord to the brain. Pain can be anything from slightly bothersome to excruciating. Pain is considered chronic when it lasts for more than 3 months.
juli offers tracking symptoms of 5 types of pain: Visceral pain, nerve pain, pain of unknown origin, musculoskeletal pain and other pain.
For these pain types juli tracks all activities, steps and workouts and correlates them to the pain level as well as the interference with the daily activities. We show correlations to the weather and other environmental factors as well as the level of pain medication plus individually tracked factors like alcohol, cigarettes or coffee consumption.
As each cause of chronic pain is different, and each person experiencing chronic pain has a different set of factors that help symptoms or make them worse, the dashboard may not look the same for every user with chronic pain.
Visceral Pain
Visceral pain is the pain caused in your internal organs: the bladder, the uterus, the stomach or rectum. The source for this pain normally is a medical conditions that produces inflammation, pressure, or an injury. Visceral pain is often diffuse and poorly localized which makes it difficult to detect the source and treat it accordingly.
Muscoloskeletal Pain
Muscoskeletal pain can arise from many parts of the body like bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, or tendons. The pain may be localised or affect the whole body. It is often caused by injuries like one fractures or joint dislocations, arthritis, fibromyalgia, the compression of nerves, or a bad posture. Symptoms vary a lot depending on the cause of the musculoskeletal pain. Sometimes the entire bodies aches, muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked or they twitch or burn.
The ability to be active varies depending on the severity of the pain, still it is important to keep moving and to observe, which activity worsens the muscoskeletal pain or eases it.
Nerve Pain
Nerve pain is usually due to damaged or irritated nerves that send false signals. There are many different feelings of nerve pain: burning, stabbing, or shooting, numbness or tingling. Nerve pain, especially in the joints, typically gets worse with more and more use. Still it is important to keep moving in order to avoid stiffness. juli can help to track activities that may ease the joints.
Pain of Unknown Origin
Pain of unknown origin is also called idiopathic pain. The origin may be unknown from the very beginning, but it is also possible that it remains long after you've healed from a medical condition or injury when, normally, the pain should have stopped. This pain may affect any part of the body but is particularly common in the abdomen and in the head.
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. This is caused by the force of blood against artery walls which might eventually cause heart problems. It is a serious condition that also significantly increases the risk of kidney or brain diseases. Less than half the adults with hypertension are diagnosed and treated. The cause of a hypertension is often nutrition or a lack of physical activity. So it is worth tracking these and various biomarkers or environmental data to see if a pattern occurs.